Monday, November 7, 2011

"It's the most wonderful time of the year.."

Hehe I have Christmas songs stuck in my head because our radio station is already playing Christmas music! Yep I'm lovin' it! Though it does seem kind of early...and fall is leaving kind of quickly...and don't tell my sisters that I'm planning on giving them my ipod for Christmas.

Yes, it will be hard.

No, I really don't want to.

But that right there is telling me that I need to. I know I can live without it, and I'll be getting a new one someday.


But what? 

I don't know, just hesitating i guess. 

Then do it!

Okay...I will! *lifts chin, and squares shoulders*

Good. :] "

I've had that conversation in my head a lot. But I've come to the conclusion that it's just a thing, I don't need it. So, no big deal! writing it all out helps me sometimes and putting it on my blog reminds me.

In church my pastor had this series about giving, and that everything's Gods, He just gives it to us to take care of and all that awesome sauce. But when He wants it back, I have to listen and respect that it's not mine. And if He wants my sisters to be intrusted with it then go ahead, let them have it for awhile. besides it's just an ipod!  right?! haha, I have other stuff, and i have more money than them. so i can buy a new one someday..:]

Anyway enough about that.

I got asked to go to my Aunts house for 6 weeks! {yea!!} Driving, she lives 16 hours away, so I'd fly. woot woot! I think it'd be super fun to do that.

Oh and I'm getting my haircut tomorrow! My hair used to be {like in my header, wait. it's in black&white. never mind ;) } light/medium brown, long, and no layers. But I colored it dark dark brown and I'm getting layers and awesome stuff like that, don't you just love haircuts? I certainly do.

I can't believe how fast time is going by.

like. literally. flown. by. 

As in it used to be Monday last week. 
And "I just posted a blog post" "No, actually you posted it like 12 days ago"
And it's already November and I'm in my 10th week in school.
Or Christmas is in like 49 or 48 days when it used to be 365 days away. Need I say more?

One more thing before i pull myself away from this computer-- I really think a time like this calls for some sour starbursts ;] sounds amazing right? yep yep you're right! 

Hope y'all have a great day!
with love,


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