Monday, November 8, 2010


So sorry about the big        gap       in my posting, i don't think i did a post at all in October, that makes me sad! Well my blog-versary is tomorrow! So later today or tomorrow I'll post about what I'm gonna do!

Anyway, what has been going on in my life since September 28? A LOT! One thing is I finally got my braces off!!! that is exciting because I have had them on for over 3 years! I got them on August 16 (my sisters birthday) and three years later i got them off November 5! Yes, my teeth do feel very weird! But they are starting to feel less weird now. :)
For cubbies I actually got to be a leader! One of the leaders wasn't there and I always help out with her group so I got to "sub" for her! it was so fun!
Stars - we are going to have a performance soon! I'm kinda excited and I already memorized my lines it's really short so i don't have to worry that much :)
It snowed the other day!! I was really surprised when i woke up and saw snow! and I also was surprised on how long it lasted, all the snow lasted at least 2 days i think and yesterday there was still patches of snow everywhere.
I am trying to redo my blog look and if you saw that header i didn't mean for that to me on there! lol I am trying to edit that so sorry about the dull look it has now! :D
Well look forward to a post about my blog-versary!
Have a great day!


Shelley said...

Looking forward to the new look and blog-versary post! :)

Marissa said...

aww... Cubbies are so cute :)


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