About Me

Hi! I'm Sarahlynn, and I'm so glad you came to my blog! :)

Well first things first, I am a Christian, and i love God sooooooo much! He is the love of my life, and He is in me. He makes all things new and He made me new! Right now I struggle with trying to do things on my own. But i can't do everything on my own strength. I need HIM.  So, God is helping me to ask Him for help. And He has! He is sooo amazing! 
I am a teenager, with long-ish straight-ish dark brown hair. :) and i am about 5'5 and i have blue-green eyes and {finally} straight teeth! hahaha which means i had braces for 3 years... ;)

i {heart}

i just love to sit down with a good book and a cup of tea {or hot chocolate!} and to just read for hours! and when it's raining! oh, just the thought of it gives me goosebumps!

if it's swimming laps, or hanging out at the pool, i love it! being in the water makes me feel happy. :) because when I'm swimming laps, I'm all alone and i can just think. and usually when i'm at the pool, i'm with friends. ;D

nothin' like a little kid to cheer you up! it's always fun to be around other family's instead of you own! (not that i don't like being around my fam ;)  but there's just something about cute little kids that makes me happy :D

listening to music
One of my favorite things to do before i go to bed! and when i do school and when I'm cleaning...the list goes on with possible times to listen to music! and i just love it! It never fails to brighten my mood and put a jump in my step!  

You bloggers got me interested  in photography, i love to take pictures mostly with nature in them...it sooo inspires me! and I'm saving up for a camera because my camera is not a good camera at all click here for my camera post :D

omigoodness, i looooove change!!! it's like one of the best things out there....i know a lot of people to don't like change at all. i can understand that change is hard, like when you move to a new house that you've lived in for like 10 years or getting a new sibling or a loved one dying. Change can be hard but, sometimes i can't see why people don't like little changes...for instance, i really want to redecorate my room! it's like almost constantly on my mind! And my blog has a different background often...anyway i. love. change. !!! {great I've said change to much in my head and now it sounds weird...i'm wondering, is change the right word for what I'm talking about??}

you'll probably find me sitting down staring into space and just, thinking. i could think for hours. and usually when I'm around people i only semi know, i always wish i would have talked more, I'm kinda shy. but not to where I can't talk and won't go anywhere...I've walked to town several times with my friend and will {almost} do just as much talking as she...well most of the time, haha. but anyway i find myself thinking way more than talking. except with people i know...Samarah can back me up on that one ;D time-outs are never punishments because i can entertain myself fine by just thinking lol. what i need to get into the habit of is journaling. that would be nice.

yay for blogging!! {and bloggers!} i love to blog, though i don't constantly blog and write a post everyday sometimes it's hard for me to write one everyother day. probably because i have trouble with consistency. anyway i love to blog! and I'm sorry bloggers that i follow if i don't really comment on your blog! i want to but it's so hard! I'll try really hard to comment. But i love all your blogs! {honest!}  But i really love comments! it's like the best thing to blogging! probably for me because people actually care about your blog or at least find it semi interesting...so comments make my day! and i love followers too! {more commenters haha} i think i love comments so much because my love language is words, so i feel loved and important when someone goes out of there way to say something to me...even if it's just "hi"

Well i know that was long, but i hope you learned something about me! Hope you enjoy my blog!



Anonymous said...

Came back to get to knwo you. Isn't it great to be rid of the braces. I just posted my letter to my teenage self if you want to check it out!

Deb Simon said...

I love reading about who you are Sarah!! :) And by the way, another way to say you like "change" is to say you like variety! ;)

Love ya!

And I need you to teach me how to put that thing on my blog where people can check a box of what they thought at the end of the post.

Marissa said...

love this!! and YOU♥


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